Carren’s Couch 14 – Teenage Depression – how to be the anti-drepressant family without drugs

As part of our ongoing series on Depression, this week we’ve decided to discuss how depression is affecting our teenagers and what we can do to help, love and support our kids through to a future of freedom. Join us as we hold nothing back and pull no punches with one of the worlds most outspoken Clinical Psychologists, Dr. Yapko. He is up front, a little controversial and most of all, extremely educated on the subject.


Carren’s Couch 13 – The What, How and Why of Gen Y!

Michael McQueen, well….. Say no more!!!

When it comes to understanding the differences in communication styles and getting the most out every relationship and interaction, Michael McQueen is not only a dear friend, he is the undisputed expert on this topic.

Author of 4 best selling books on the subject of ‘The next generation’ as well the producer of multiple programs, audio’s and video’s, Michael takes us deep in to the thinking of Gen Y, Gen X, Baby Boomers and can you believe it… We even have a Gen Z now?

If you’re baffled by your kids, struggling with teenagers or grappling with staff, this episode is a MUST WATCH!


Carren’s Couch 12 – We’re SPEAKING UP about Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence is hit and miss…. literally!!

When it comes to awareness, action and prevention, domestic violence is more commonly spoken about behind closed doors or not at all and here on Carren’s Couch, we are ZERO TOLERANCE!

In this weeks episode we talk to Kay Schubach about her experiences, how she identified that she was in one of ‘those’ relationships and what she did about it! We highlight the incredible support offered by the White Ribbon Foundation and encourage everyone, male and female to SPEAK UP for their safety and that of their loved ones!


Carren’s Couch 10 – The In’s and Out’s of Relationships

With relationships feeling the pinch of time, money, space and togetherness, we decided it would be a great idea to shed some ‘expert’ light on the topic. Our society is demanding more and more from us in the context of our careers, our future and the expectations that we place upon ourselves to ‘get it right’ that the number one casualty is becoming our ability to relate to one another, in the home and in the bedroom!! In this week’s episode we begin the conversation on the basics of relationships and as part of a mini series, you can look forward to us getting up close and personal on intimacy, divorce, kids, parenting and more!!
