Well, if you were to follow the heading today, the next words are ‘fat pig’, but we’re not talking about food, fat animals or diet today!! In fact, we are still exploring our mini-business series and in this show we are in super experienced hands with the super innovative, Monique Parker, the worlds greatest Marketer.
Hey…that rhymed… sort of!! Parker…. Marketer!! Get it?? Hmmmm….
Anyway, less about poetry and more about the market place, becoming known for your message and doing it in a way that is congruent with your greatest purpose on this planet, while you’re earning the kind of income YOU want to earn!
If there is one thing I’ve discovered in my many years in business, there are a lot of voices out there all screaming for attention and for the consumer’s dollars which can be daunting when we just start out but Monique has broken down the hype, buried all the BS and just gets down to the nitty gritty of what works, what doesn’t and how to allow your unique flavour to speak for itself!!
As one of the VIP speakers at my business seminars, Speakers Fast-Trak, Monique is without a doubt one of the most genuine, giving and empowering women I know and I am so excited to share her with you here on Carren’s Couch as well as at Speakers Fast-Trak in Brisbane in March and Sydney in May. Click the links to find out more!!