Turning words in to silk, wine and pure gold is the job of my guest this week, Pauline Longdon!!
Wow, Wow, Wow…. talk about being an open book and giving every little secret away….. This week’s final show on the Business Mini-Series is a perfect conclusion and we explore the importance of communication and copy writing in business!
Now some people are just naturally gifted, but most aren’t and when it comes to our website, blogs, articles, social media, marketing strategies and general client relationships, great copy writing is a MUST!! So, if you’re one of the gifted one’s, what do you do? How do you do it, and, will it work?
Well, you’re great hands this week as we talk turkey with Pauline on how someone with little or no experience can make their message magical!
Another show you will need a pen and note paper my friends because Pauline gives away some of the secrets the Big Guns don’t want you to know!