Dr Joe Dispenza is not only one of my heroes, he is also one of the most dynamic, brilliant, powerful and educated men of our time and OMG what an honour to bring him to Carren’s Couch this week!!
In today’s interview I really wanted to know what Dr Joe knows about us humans that could change the way we live and when I asked the question….Boy! Did he give me an answer! Wow!
Feeling like I was in the company of pure genius, I took the liberty of exploring questions like “What is the meaning of life?” “How can we be more fulfilled in our experiences?” and “What does science know about reality that we are missing?” And…. These questions don’t even scrape the surface of today’s conversation so get ready to really explore the magic of being YOU in all of your glory!
If you’re interested in knowing more about Dr Joe Dispenza, his books, programs and events, just jump on over to his website at www.drjoedispenza.com